I didn't realize how much time has passed since updating this site. Not that I haven't been working, just not sharing really. It's been a period of frustrating learning and realizing that software i've been trying to learn was devolving and revolving into something new. Talkin' to you Adobe. I figured out that I stupidly started learning this right before second quarter releases on Substance and Adobe's timeline. So I am forever having to deal with major upgrades each year. Finally, Adobe has released the 3D/AR goodness under Adobe software umbrella and added the final piece of software I've been looking for. Adobe you are forgiven, however, I really need an export to Dimension for this stuff but I love the lighting and rendering capability of Stager. My models look so much better and trying to constantly a forever dying 3D in photoshop was disheartening. This is way better and something I can do finally.